LDR 00753naa#a2200205#i#450# 001 EN\RIOR\bibl\88844 005 20250310143233.1 011 ## _a2409-5087 100 ## _a20241001b2024####ek#y0engy0150####ca 102 ## _aRU 200 1# _aCrimes committed with the use of throwing weapons. The identity of the perpetrator. Circumstances of the commission _eJournal article 210 1# _aMoscow _cPublishing Center RIOR _d2024 215 ## _a4 с. 608 ## _aJournal article _2local 686 ## _aОбщественные науки в целом. 60 _2bbk 686 ## _aТеория государства и права. 10.07 _2grnti 700 #1 _aSumina _gAlina Vladimirovna 700 #1 _aGrebneva _gAlla Sergeevna 700 #1 _aGrebnev _gDmitrii Yurevich 856 4# _aalsj.ru _u