Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
V dannoy stat'e rassmatrivaetsya nekotorye problemy v oblasti primeneniya yuridicheski znachimyh soobscheniy, provoditsya sravnitel'nyy analiz norm grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva i processual'nogo zakonodatel'stva s cel'yu vospolneniya probelov v pravoprimenitel'noy praktike. Na osnove provedennogo issledovaniya, vyyavleny priznaki, kotorye prisuschi yuridicheski znachimym soobscheniyam. Dlya resheniya problemy ustanovleniya besspornosti fakta dostavki soobscheniya v notarial'noy praktike, predlozheno dopolnit' st.165.1 GK RF polozheniem, soglasno kotoromu mestom prozhivaniya grazhdanina yavlyaetsya mesto ego registracii, pri etom v kachestve dokazatel'stva fakta polucheniya yuridicheski znachimogo soobscheniya notariusy mogut pol'zovat'sya, naprimer, spravkoy zhilischno-ekspluatacionnoy organizacii o registracii grazhdanina po mestu ego zhitel'stva, a tak zhe drugimi dokumentami.
yuridicheski znachimye soobscheniya, sdelkopodobnye deystviya, doverie poluchatelya soobscheniya, sdelka, postupok
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